The Fight for Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice…

We leave for Vegas in a few hours, and I have yet to pack, but that’s not too surprising bc I am a total procrastipacker. Is anyone else like this? You know about a trip months in advance; you check the weather every day for two weeks, so you know what to pack—but in the eleventh hour, instead of packing, you find yourself eating Reese’s pumpkins and watching Hocus Pocus. 

Where my virgins that can light the black flame candle? I mean, I can't anymore, but I could have brought back the Sanderson sisters into my thirties. 

Not only do I procrastipack, but when I start packing, I overpack like I’m leaving my house for three months and traveling to every climate in the continental US. I don't know why I would need 6 sweaters, 5 tee shirts, 3 pair of shorts, 5 pair of leggings, multiple jogger options and 5 pair of shoes for 5 days and 4 nights in Vegas, but apparently, I do. 

I should also use this free time to get a quick nap or clean my house before we leave, but since my husband is on set working an overnight, and I can't sleep when he isn’t home, here I am writing about pumpkin spice and everything nice. 

I have had multiple opportunities to pack for our trip, but instead of planning out what to wear, I choose to go to Target and get myself a nice, light PSL and more Halloween candy--for myself and our socially distanced trick or treaters. 

It wasn't until I was perusing the oversized boyfriend tees and walked past a mirror that I realized how basic I looked. Unintentionally I had dressed like I was the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown mixed with Dracula. And you know what, I embraced* it. 

pumpkin - blog 2.png

To top off my pumpkin-themed day, I inadvertently realized that I ate my weight in pumpkin spice foods today. 

  • Breakfast: Pumpkin Cauliflower Oats. 

  • Lunch: Pumpkin Spice RX bar and 5 Reese’s pumpkins (I’m weak this time of year.)

  • Snack: Tall (light) PSL--with almond milk and 1 pump pumpkin spice and 2 pumps sugar-free cinnamon dolce--and a noosa pumpkin yogurt. 

  • Dinner: Air fryer chicken, green beans, and a sweet potato...I know it’s not pumpkin, but it’s the same color, so I assumed y’all would understand. 

After fear that I might quite literally turn into a pumpkin, I started to wonder why we give people who love pumpkin flavors such a hard time? 

As someone who eats pumpkin year-round because it’s rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants—not to mention its low-cal and great food for weight-loss—I think it’s great we are giving this fruit so much love. 

Typically sweet potatoes get more attention because of their diversity (i.e. chips, fries, hash, taco stuffed sweet potato, Texas Roadhouse style with gobs of butter, cinnamon & sugar, there is even sweet potato pie). And while I am sweet potato obsessed, I love that pumpkin has come into its own and gets an entire season dedicated to its deliciousness. For every basic girl, influencer, or pumpkin obsessed human, enjoy this pumpkin spice season and the happiness it brings. 

I know I will! 

*I embraced it, while feeling like a total dork for taking a selfie in a Target. But, picture or it didn’t happen, amirite?


I’m (Not) Bringing Sexy (Costumes) Back


Hi, I’m Jordan!