Exsqueeze me…we have to judge angels?!

Angels are messengers. That is quite literally what the word angel means. Did you know that? Because I sure didn’t. 

I thought an Angel was someone who worked for God (which they do), provides help and protection to us (again, not wrong) looks like a human but with giant wings, a long robe, and the most natural, perfect dewy glow that did not require the 3-pack Dossier “Dewy Look” kit. 

Don’t judge me. 

I also learned that’s where we get the word evangelical from — which means to bring the message. Making this definition come full circle. 

So, today, when I was reading 1 Corinthians 6, you might understand why, what Paul said in verse 5, completely caught me off guard. 

Don’t you realize that someday we believers will judge the world? …Don’t you realize that we will judge angels?” — 1 Corinthians 6:2-3 NLT

I’ll be the first to say that I judge people far too often. In fact, it’s a struggle that I hate to admit, but actively working on. Aren’t we all? 

That being said—I cannot fathom, ever, having to judge angels. 

Clearly, my simple mind didn’t fully understand what Paul meant, so I quickly side-swiped to find my Google app—amid the 19 other apps open that *I know* are causing my phone to run incredibly slow — and typed in: Will Christians really judge angels?

Seems like a crazy thing to Google, right? Wrong! Apparently, this was something others have wondered about, too. And when I began to dig in, what I found amazed me. Though I don’t know the source of this publication, “What does it mean that we will judge angels?”, I loved how the writer explained it:

“What we can surmise from this 1 Corinthians passage is that we, as God’s children, will be given a higher position than the angels. We’re not only created in God’s image but redeemed by Christ (Galatians 3:131 Peter 2:9Luke 1:68Ephesians 1:7). Angels are not created in God’s image and are not redeemed by Christ (Hebrews 1:142:16).”

Can we pause for a second?

Now, I’m not here to debate whether or not angels were created in God’s image because (again) that's something my simple mind does not know the answer to. But, I can, with full certainty, say that I’ve never once thought about angels not being redeemed by Christ. Have you? 

Anyway, back to my main concern. Now, not only am I worried about having to judge God’s angels, but you’re telling me that God considers us higher than angels, as well?

Hard no, right? 

As I kept reading, the author pointed out:

“This strongly implies that we will have authority over the holy angels, for they have no sin for which to be “judged” in the sense of “condemned.” 

Phew, since I’ve always thought of angels as sinless (well except for Lucifer…) this made me feel a lot better. 

“…Most likely, the meaning of this passage is that believers in heaven will take part in the judgment of the fallen angels and exercise some authority over the holy angels.


Ah, okay… there’s Lucifer and his gang. Now things are making a little more sense.

“…Christ has been exalted above all the angels (Ephesians 1:20-23), and it seems reasonable that those who are in Him

and made in His likeness (Romans 8:291 Corinthians 15:49Ephesians 4:241 John 3:2) will share in His authority, including

His authority over the angels (Matthew 19:282 Timothy 2:12Revelation 20:4).”

<Insert a whole new wave of spiritual anxiety here.> 

  • Angels are sinless. 

  • They’re obedient. 

  • They’re helpful. 

  • They’re serving. 

  • They’re intelligent. 

  • They’re respectful. 

  • They’re caring. 

  • They’re loving. 

  • They’re powerful. 

  • And most importantly, they’re reverent. 

I‘m lucky if I have, maybe, 4 of the 10 attributes. How about you? I will not be surprised if you had more than I do! 

So, while I’m definitely comforted knowing that I won’t be called to judge God’s messengers, how am I, a teeny tiny fish in God’s giant ocean, going to exercise authority over God’s creations? More specifically His angels?!  

As I dug deeper, there was one thing that kept standing out: 

We’re not only created in God’s image but redeemed by Christ.” —

Meaning God lives in us. His children. And because He loves us so much, He sent Christ to die for USnot His angels. 

I started to realize that every time I judge a person, a chef that uses corn starch on the bottom of their pizza for that added crunch (corn allergy problems), a bartender who unknowingly served a skunky bottle of champagne at brunch, or an influencer who posted a coupon code that does not work — I’m judging God’s creation. 

Which made me think: Why it is that God loves us, judgment-filled sinners, more than His angels? 

Then it hit me. 

“Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.” John 20:29 NLT 

Angels can see God. They’ve witnessed His incredible and mighty powers at work, firsthand. But humans? 

We haven't seen God. 

We haven’t physically hung out with God.

Everything we know and believe comes from what was written in the Bible thousands of years ago. What we learned watching “The Chosen”. Or, what we picked up in Sunday school, Bible studies, sermons, or Podcasts.

Yet—we, mere humans, believe without seeing! We worship, praise, love, and trust Him without needing physical, tangible proof! 

“Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.” — Hebrews 11:1 NLT 

Through all of this, I was reminded that if I call myself a Christian and want to live a life that makes Him proud, I have to remember how special and loved I am. So special that the God of the universe thinks of me as His child. And loves me more than His angels. 

I don’t know if I will ever feel deserving to be considered higher than God’s angels. And that’s okay with me. 

But, I do know how blessed I am to be the daughter of a King. So, I should probably start acting more like an angel. 


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